Privacy and Cookies

Privacy &Cookies - Information on personal data processing
We want to inform the user that, under the Legislative decree no. 196/2003 art.13 , personal data collection and processing obtained during promotional activities or in occasion of the formation of contractual relations are subject, on our part, to computer or manual data processing with the purpose of: fulfilment of legal requirement linked to principles of private law, tax regulation, account rules, etc; in particular for:
1. Technical support and information in relation to products and services requested and/or acquired by the user
2. Checking the customer's satisfaction; Statistical analysis
3. Information on future trade initiative, services and offers, on our part and on our partners' part, by post, fax or internet

Data processing is carried out on paper or by computer by the appointed staff (internal and external) and by the personnel of who process data in order to handle the website in the best way collects data related to accesses and browsing in sites to allow the operating of services and sections which require the user's identification and uses the information for the technical administration of the site and for possible statistical analysis about the site exploitation. uses global statistical data concerning the type of traffic and other information linked to the website, without transmitting the user's data to third parties. Any form of communication to third parties is excluded except for services suppliers under the mentioned purposes.

Submission of data
Data processing for the purposes mentioned in point (1) is mandatory and essential in order to send information and material asked for and/or for the first contact; it is optional concerning points (2) and (3) and therefore there are no consequences in the case of the user's rejection unless the impossibility of making use of the services offered by the company.
In the website there are appropriate information notes and also given consent requests for particular purposes of processing or for specific types of data.
Please note: data given by users or related to the same will not be communicated to external subjects, except in cases of legal obligations.
Data Subject's Rights: 
With respect to what stated we confirm that the subject enjoys the rights under the Legislative decree no. 196/2003 art. 7
Personal Data Checking, Upgrading and Cancelling:
In accordance with the Legislative decree no. 196/2003 art.13 , users can consult, complete, modify or cancel personal data at any time, with no charge, and can also oppose totally or partially to its use for the intended purposes by writing to our e-mail address. The withdrawal of the consent to personal data collection, use and release will lead users data cancellation from is committed to no longer using personal data which has been reported incorrect until it proves to be right.
The controller: Centro Espressioni Cinematografiche - via Villalta, 24 33100 Udine UD

Cookies are small text files which are sent to users' browser by visited sites and stored to be then retransmitted to the websites on users' next visit to these sites.
Cookies, present as a rule in substantial numbers in each user's browser, are used for several purposes: IT authentication, monitoring of  browsing sessions, storage of information on specific configurations in accessing a given server.
Following the  EC directive 2009/136  of 28 May 2012, which provides for the obligation to obtain users' prior informed consent to the installation of cookies for purposes different from those purely technical  (see Section 1, par. 5, letter a , of legislative decree No. 69 of 28 May 2012, which amended Section 122 of the Code), cookies can be divided into two major groups: "technical" cookies and "profiling" cookies.

a. Technical  Cookies
Technical cookies are used exclusively with the purpose of "carrying out the transmission of a communication on an electronic communication network, or to the extent strictly necessary to the provider of an information society service that has been explicitly requested by the contracting party or by users to provide the said service." (see Section par.1 of the Code).
They are not used for further purposes and are usually installed directly by the data controller or the website manager. They can be grouped into browsing or session cookies, which allow users to browse and use a website (e.g. to purchase items online or authenticate themselves to access reserved sections); analytics cookies, which can be likened to technical cookies where they are used directly by the website manager to collect, in an aggregated form, information on the number of visitors and the pattern of visits to the website; functionality cookies, which allow users to browse as a function of certain pre-determined criteria in order to improve the quality of the service
Users' prior consent is not necessary to install these cookies, while, under Section 13 of the Code, information must be provided by the website manager by means of this information page.

b. Profiling Cookies
Profiling cookies aim at creating users 'profiles. They are used to send ads messages in line with the preferences shown by users during network browsing. Because of the highly invasive nature of these cookies in users' privacy, Italian and European legislation requires users to be informed appropriately on their use so as to give their valid consent.
We inform the users that this site uses only technical cookies. In particular,  uses Google Analytics.
No sensitive data is exchanged by means of cookies. Inside cookies created by and by services which are used, there is no storage of personal data which allows to recognise directly users' identities. They do not represent any security risk for users' privacy and for the integrity of the electronic devices employed to access the communication web or the site.
Users can disable the use of cookies in their browser at any time. This choice could make browsing difficult. Other sites, where this site might link, could have systems of tracing which are unknown to the site owner. It is not guaranteed that these external sites have appropriate safety systems aimed at protecting data and preventing from damages(e.g. from computer viruses).
Integration to the document of Private Policy relative to Google Analytics service
Google Analytics ( hereafter referred simply as "Analytics") is a service of statics offered by  Google Inc. whose main head office is 1600 Amphitheatre Parkway, Mountain View, CA 94043, United States. It aims at tracking access to sites and web resources and allows the site administrators to generate and to visualize data in aggregated and anonymous form for statistical purposes.

Google Analytics requests, for its functioning, the presence on the site pages of a tracking code which identifies the pages visited by users, the domain names and the type of browser of the computer used. This data is considered anonymous because it does not allow to identify the user.
Data processing purpose
Data collected is used for statistical purposes in order to assess the proper use of the site and improve its efficiency. 

Sensitive data processing
Sensitive data processing is managed by Google Inc. by means of computer and telematic tools with logics strictly related to the aims hereafter indicated in order to guarantee data safety and privacy.
Google Analytics exploits cookies and the information generated by the user's visits of the site is transmitted to Google and stored in its servers in the United States.
Data transmission to Google uses the function of anonymisation (IP address blinding) given by the same.
Google will never associate the IP address given by the user with any other data held by Google, unless the user does not specifically accept Goggle Inc. private policy and services. These services are not related to,which is not responsible for what concerns sensitive data processing .
Data collected by Analytics is transferred to Google Inc. servers where they are processed. Google may also transfer this information to third parties when required by law and where these third parties process the above mentioned information on Google's behalf  
Further information can be found in the following link:
Users can disable the use of cookies by installing the plug-in opt-out provided by Google in their browser. To find out more about how to disable Google Analytics, see :

Third- party cookies
In browsing users may receive also cookies from websites or web servers( third - party cookies) different from the ones they are viewing. Here there may be some elements (e.g. pictures, maps, sounds, specific links to pages of other domains) present on the site users are visiting.
This site uses the following third-party cookies:
The service does not release profiling cookies in users' computers as it deals only with aggregated data.

Social Network Integrated Services
They are used to interact with social networks. Interaction and information acquired are subject to the privacy policy related to the social networks or platforms. If an interaction service with social networks has been installed, it may collect data of traffic related to the pages where it has been installed, even if the service is not used.

    • Facebook Policy Cookie
    • Facebook Private Policy
    • Twitter Privacy Policy 
    • Twitter use of cookies and other similar technologies 

    • Linkedin information:
    • Linkedin configuration:
    • Google Privacy Policy
    • Google Product Privacy Guide

These services may release profiling cookies in the user's computer. To disable cookies see the chapter: HOW TO DISABLE COOKIES
Other services/Functionality- 
Google Calendar
    • Google Privacy Policy
    • Google Product Privacy Guide
Google Maps 
    •  Google Privacy Policy
    • Google Product Privacy Guide
    •  Google Privacy Policy
    • Google Product Privacy Guide
    • Added plug-in to opt-out Google Analytics
    •  Slideshare  Privacy Policy  
    • How to control the audience level of participation in market research programmes quantserve/quantcast
    • How to control the audience level of participation in market research programmes ScorecardResearch 
    •  Issuu Private Policy

Cookies Management
Users can decide the acceptance or refusal of cookies using the browser setting.
Be careful: to disable totally or partially technical cookies may compromise the use of functionality of the site reserved to the registered users. On the contrary, public contents are available even if cookies are completely deleted.
To delete third- party cookies does not affect the user's browsing. .
The setting can be specifically defined for various sites and web applications.. Furthermore, the best browsers allow the setting definition for "first party" and "third party" cookies . For example, in Firefox, through the menu Tools>Options>->Privacy, users can access a control panel where it is possible to state the cookies acceptance or their refusal.
Internet Explorer:
It has to be clarified that the current document  represents the "Privacy Policy" of this site which will be object to updating.