27/28/29 aprile 2016 – Udine – Visionario
A new Business platform where Far East meets
Europe. in Udine from the 27th to the 29th April
FEFF Industry - Panels & Market Screenings Schedule in pdf
Focus Asia has become a reality thanks exclusively to the creation of the MIA - the International Audiovisual Market of Rome. Thanks, that is, exclusively to Italy's renewed desire to play a role in the international film market. April's Focus Asia in Udine and October's MIA in Rome are therefore two key elements of the same strategy: seeing cinema globally. A scenario where Asia - which is, let's not forget, half of the planet! - remains a continent awaiting discovery.
This is the direction that the Far East Film Festival, the MIA and the FVG Audiovisual Fund have decided to proceed in, with the support of the most important Italian film institutions: the General Cinema Directorate of the Ministry of Cultural Heritage and Initiatives and Luce Cinecittà.
Welcome to Udine, welcome to Friuli and welcome to Italy.
FEFF Industry - All the Market Screenings
Alena, Daniel di GRADO,
drama, horror, thriller, Sweden 2015
Before the Fall, Ian WHITE,
drama, Cambodia 2015
Chibi Maruko Chan - A Boy from Italy, TAKAGI Jun,
animation, Japan 2016
Crosscurrent, YANG Chao,
drama, China 2015
Insane, LEE Cheol-ha,
mystery, thriller, South Korea 2016
Italian Race, Matteo ROVERE,
action, Italy 2016
Nessun Dorma, Herman YAU,
drama, mystery, thriller, erotic, Hong Kong 2016
Night Fare, Julien SERI,
thriller, France 2015
Old Stone, Johnny MA,
psychological thriller, China 2016
One Kiss, Ivan COTRONEO,
youth drama, Italy 2016
Robbery, Fire LEE,
comedy, Hong Kong, 2015
What We Become, Bo MIKKELSEN,
horror, Denmark 2015